Holy moly there are a lot of awesome conversation starter topics for ALA Chicago in June! I must admit that I'm feeling a little intimidated, but I have a topic on the table myself (with of my coworkers). If it's something you'd like to see, please make sure to vote for it waaaaay back on page 12 (see--so many great topics! I don't know how I'll ever decide which two I'm going to vote for).
by ALAConnect Helpdesk (staff) on Mon, Feb 25, 2013 at 10:07 am
Description: Besides storytime, what
literacy programs is your library feeding hungry pre-readers? Visual
literacy programming offers pre-readers and struggling readers a way to hone
this crucial skill through collaboratively interpreting visual data and
creating narrative. VizLit, like STEM, gives parents value-added
programs with direct results. Parents love it, kids love it; it’s a
recipe for success! Join the conversation as we share our basic
ingredients for visual literacy programming and help you develop
strategies to implement these easy programs in your library.
Who else has an awesome proposal out there? Let me know in the comments so I can narrow down my choices!
Program on a Plate: Serving up Successful Visual Literacy Programming for Pre-Readers
by ALAConnect Helpdesk (staff) on Mon, Feb 25, 2013 at 10:07 am
Description: Besides storytime, what
literacy programs is your library feeding hungry pre-readers? Visual
literacy programming offers pre-readers and struggling readers a way to hone
this crucial skill through collaboratively interpreting visual data and
creating narrative. VizLit, like STEM, gives parents value-added
programs with direct results. Parents love it, kids love it; it’s a
recipe for success! Join the conversation as we share our basic
ingredients for visual literacy programming and help you develop
strategies to implement these easy programs in your library. Who else has an awesome proposal out there? Let me know in the comments so I can narrow down my choices!